About MRSI

The Materials Research Society of India came into existence in February 1989, thanks to the farsighted vision of Prof. C N R Rao.  Prof. Rao functioned as the first President and laid the foundation for its impressive growth over the past decade. 

MRSI functions through 18 Regional Chapters and 16 Subject groups.  MRSI is supported by individual members and institutions who will be patrons of the society. Its current membership includes 2745 Life members, 07 Annual members, 156 Honorary members and 83 Patron members amounting to a total of 2991 members.

MRSI recognizes contributions to materials research through Distinguished Materials Scientist of the year Award, MRSI-ICSC Superconductivity and Materials Science Senior Award and MRSI Distinguished Lecturership Award. There are number of other prizes including the MRSI Medal Lectures.  Every February an annual technical meeting is held. 

The hosting of IUMRS-ICA 98 meeting at Bangalore during October 13-16, 1998 was a major activity of MRSI.  The Conference had 22 Theme Symposia and was held in 7 parallel sessions. More than 150 invited talks were delivered and nearly 700 contributed papers were presented.  The proceedings of the Conference, consisting of the invited talks was published as a special issue of Bulletin of Materials Science.

Another major activity was the hosting of IUMRS-ICAM 2007 meeting at Bangalore during October 8-13, 2007. The conference had 23 theme symposia, 6 plenary lectures and 250 invited talks.  Around 1100 delegates attended the conference.

The MRSI has been regularly publishing the MRSI Newsletter. This is a quarterly publication.. Several issues have been brought out successfully for the past ten years.

MRSI co-sponsors the publication of Bulletin of Materials Science (BMS) published by the Indian Academy of Sciences.

MRSI is a founding Adhering Body of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) and participates in the international arena of materials research.

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Nomination form for the MRSI Medal Lecture

Only MRSI Council Members and heads of the departments and the institution heads would be eligible to nominate for the MRSI awards/medals. A prescribed format for the nominations is made available on the MRSI website. Kindly forward the nominations to the MRSI office at on or before July 31, 2024

Nomination form for Honorary Members

Become a Life Member
