The Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) has identified MRSI as a nodal agency for developing a data base for non-ferrous materials.  In this connection, TIFAC has provided financial support to create a data bank on non-ferrous materials at MRSI headquarters, DMRL, Hyderabad dedicated for the purpose of data acquisition and storage pertaining to non-ferrous materials, technologies for their processing and areas of their application.  A group of professionals with diverse background in Metallurgy, Computer Science and Library / Information science are working with this project.  Presently the data bank consists of 1325 technology records on Non-ferrous Materials and it has published many value-added reports in the area of Non-ferrous Materials.

It has been decided to shift the MRSI/TIFACLINE Unit to ARC-International, Hyderabad.  Its scope will be widened to cover the areas of ceramics, powder metallurgy and surface engineering.


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