Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) is an interdisciplinary professional society brought into being when there was a world-wide appreciation of the role of materials science and engineering in the design, development and performance of nearly every system associated with a wide spectrum of sectors like chemical industry, heavy engineering, machinery, transportation, energy, aerospace, ocean technologies, instrumentation, microelectronics, communication systems, bioengineering, defense, agriculture and construction. MRSI is designed to stimulate accelerated growth of indigenous research and development of a wide range of materials and their application through its following objectives:
  • To promote active interactions among scientists, technologists, engineers and others engaged in basic or applied research, technology development and transfer, applications and innovations related to structural and functional materials, based on metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, fibers and composites as well as those derived from living and non-living natural resources.
  • To encourage wide ranging applications of such materials in all areas of vital interest to human society such as agriculture, food, health clothing, energy, water, housing and construction, communications, transport, service instruments and controls, consumer goods industry, national security, sports, ecology, environment, safety and thus contribute to societal well-being and prosperity.
  • To undertake as well as actively support research and development and innovations in materials.
  • To establish information banks and disseminate knowledge on materials through education, training courses, workshops, seminars, symposia, visits, lectures, publications, films and other appropriate means.
  • To foster excellence and creativity and provide recognition of significant contributions of individuals, groups and organizations in materials research and their applications.
  • To provide a professional forum for discussion of major issues related to materials such as their economic exploitation, long term conservation, new developments and imaginative uses.
  • To establish national and regional facilities and test centres for research and evaluation of materials and for evolving newer methods of quality assurance for reliability, reproducibility and long term performance and thereby evolve national standards for materials.
  • To promote wide public interest in materials development and their potential and in formulation of policies and novel measures appropriate to investments in research, development and exploitation of advances in science and technology of materials for national goals of self-reliance, economic growth and development and exports.
  • To encourage interactions and cooperation internationally with other societies and organizations engaged in furtherance of materials research, development and application.
  • To take appropriate measures to mobilize intellectual and other resources in all possible manners towards fulfillment of these objectives.


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Nomination form for the MRSI Medal Lecture

Only MRSI Council Members and heads of the departments and the institution heads would be eligible to nominate for the MRSI awards/medals. A prescribed format for the nominations is made available on the MRSI website. Kindly forward the nominations to the MRSI office at on or before July 31, 2024

Nomination form for Honorary Members

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